TMNet has been criticised locally on a range of issues. This section outlines some of the criticisms faced by TMNet.
Speed & Reliability
Many TMNet subscribers have complained about the slow speeds and the general lack of reliability of connections provided. However TMNet’s terms states, like those of other ISPs around the world, that the service they provide is based on a "best effort" basis, meaning that connections are not guaranteed to perform at their advertised theoretical speeds. This is largely due to aging copper lines, insufficient bandwidth, low effort from TMNet and the overly high contention ratios. Customers’ frustrations have been further aggravated by recent aggressive marketing campaigns launched by TMNet to attract more subscribers.
Last Mile Monopoly & Lack of Competition
TMNet's parent company, TM Bhd., has a monopoly of the last mile connections. Unlike the EU, Malaysia has not passed any legislation for the unbundling of last mile connections. This gives little chance for other third party companies to compete with TMNet and has thus created an unhealthy business environment. It is believed that the unbundling of the last mile connections is key to enabling new ISP's to fill the nation's growing broadband demand.
However, the last mile monopoly has also forced the other companies like Maxis Communications to provide wireless internet access services. Prices for these services still remain relatively expensive.
Peer-to-peer connection throttling
TMNet performs bandwidth throttling on P2P connections, a practice that is opposed by a large portion of TMNet Streamyx users. TMNet claims that P2P users are overusing bandwidth, causing other users to suffer poor connections. However, a majority of users believe that P2P is not responsible for the lack of bandwidth and accuse TMNet of overselling their available bandwidth.
AND A MOTHERFUCKING DIPSHIT WHO THINKS HE'S A FUCKING SMARTASS.We all know you acting all smarty pants is just a facade for your stupidity. BODO! BODO MACAM BABI!
Oh, and before I forget, I've got something to tell all the ladies. You all will like this and some would even love it.
Last week, Good Friday, I was involved in a minor car accident. I hit someone on the back. Totally my fault because I was driving fast.
You all may start laughing at me now.