Monday, 5 March 2007

If blogging is stupid then why are you blogging?

I know you'll go "Wow! Nic actually started a blog. This will probably be his first and last post." You may be right but fuck you for being a nonbeliever.
Almost all of my friends have their own blogs and I think the whole idea of blogging is stupid. Not that my friends post stupid stuff (or do they?). They should share their thoughts when we meet up for our casual gatherings instead of 'blogging' them. If we all do that, poor Gary wouldn't always be our main source of entertainment. So, why am I blogging or why did I even bother creating an account on (Why couldn't it just be instead of I guess with the number 2 in it makes it look more high-tech and up-to-date. For an example, if you were given two files to download, which one would you most likely download; PornDialerCheapRatesNoBluff.exe or PornDialerCheapRatesNoBluff v2.exe? The latter, of course. That way, you'd be able to chat with the more recently added young pornstars instead of grannies in their panties.)? It's because of who I am. If it's stupid, I'd take it on. I'm not being hypocritical, fucker. Shouldn't you be glad I started blogging because of you instead of calling me a hypocrite? I want to do what you do. Get involved with what you do so that we'll share more things in common. The things I do to keep our friendship alive and fresh surpass your expectations on me.

Noticed I asked a lot of questions and answering them? I like talking to myself. Haha


FeiBacek said...

welcome to the fallout!

Anonymous said...

hi, my name is brandy and i'm 19. i really loved your blog and it turned me on, please get back to me so we can... "get to know each other".
Luv Brandy.

Nic said...

*Growl* My blog is sexay~

Anonymous said...

hi, id like to know you better too :)

Nic said...

how did you girls came to know of my blog? it's not listed.
well, if you really wanna get to know me, for starters, you could post in the cbox =]